Amusement park must haves in the summertime! MY TIPS: Compact stroller (a must)! Definitely stroller fan and a small handheld fan is nice as well! Can't go wrong with a fan that sprays water I remember using them at the parks in the summer time as a kid! Make sure you bring a rechargeable battery so you can charge your phone and fans. (Most parks have a charging station but who has time to wait with kids!!) definitely sunscreen and love me a nice size tumbler for the kids! Take lots of shaded breaks! We opted in for a few shows to get in breaks as well, drink plenty of water of course! Also pack a few ponchos or small umbrellas! We get a lot of rain in FL especially in the summer. We got downpour at sea world by the end of the evening when we were already done! LTKfamily LTKtravel