Friday faves 🧡✨ 1️⃣ I ordered these pumpkin pjs for the kids this month and they’re so cute. Plus they think it’s so fun to match each other. 2️⃣ I got these jeans back in July during the NSale and I was reminded how much I like them this week because it’s officially jeans weather here in Richmond. Plus they’re on sale for 35% off right now! 3️⃣ These meat sticks are one of my favorite high protein snacks when traveling. They taste delish and have 10 grams of protein per stick. 4️⃣ I found this ring at a local shop in Cape Charles this past weekend and had to buy it! It’s so cute and inexpensive. 5️⃣ Isaac and I started taking magnesium before bed every night and I swear it works wonders for getting a restful nights sleep. LTKStyleTip LTKBeauty LTKKids