You can’t be mad at me. ⬇️ . I can’t help it: I’m literally wired this way. . I’m a Meyer’s Briggs “Architect”. Which mostly just means that I’m a total pain in the bootie because my mind is never still. . It’s the most rare female personality type (which explains why I’m kind of a loner and have few female friends). I just do my thing, and along the way, God is nice enough to strategically put people in my path that insist I not live my life completely alone. . I think Rainman isn’t sure whether he should feel lucky or damned to be my forever guy, but I’m betting he’s felt both in the same day. . To be fair, he doesn’t often have time to sit down and contemplate life. That’s probably a good thing or he might realize that all of his friends have gone fishing while he’s modifying X to fit into the X place where it wasn’t made to go but we’re going to do a custom job to make it work. . I don’t see things as they are. I see what they could become. And it could be a curse… but I don’t see it that way. . It is what it is. . I’m so glad that there are so many of you here, cheering us on, so many of your husbands watching in horror as the Big Guy is relegated to yet another weekend of sweaty renovations and heavy lifting. . I don’t honestly know what I would do if I had to sit still. . As a child I played quietly… but I was ALWAYS designing. I was writing poetry. Music. I was drawing,… fashion. People. And by high school I had started constructing houses out of cardboard in our unfinished basement. . It’s been a long and winding road to get here from there. But it’s always been in there. . I admire all of you that free your minds and inhibitions to CREATE. . Keep doing it. . You’re doing great. . Do you know what your personality type is? Go to 16personalitiesdotcom to find out and drop it in the comments . . Comment “brick” for the supplies info or “Charleston “ for all of the info on how to build the gardens and a full supplies list (and link to the build video) ❤️


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