GRWM: skipping the foundation for a clean everyday makeup look. Do you wear foundation regularly? Using @watierofficial iconic essentials for this clean girl easy makeup look: Sun Smart Invisible Face Primer Universal UV Shield, Portfolio Corrector, Rouge Fondant Suprême and Eye Patches 💕 AD watiersociety cleanmakeup foundationfree naturalmakeup grwmmakeup grwmroutine


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Deep Cleansing Oil - Lise Watier | Sephora | Sephora (CA)
Rouge Gourmand Lipstick - Lise Watier | Sephora | Sephora (CA)
Portfolio Professional Correctors - Lise Watier | Sephora | Sephora (CA)
Sun Smart Universal UV Shield SPF 30 - Lise Watier | Sephora | Sephora (CA)
Lift Eye Patch - Lise Watier | Sephora | Sephora (CA)
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