No Paint DIY Idea
I used gaffer tape (sticky tape which doesn't damage the application surface) to convert my old silver mirror into an off-white frame. It's not perfect up close as you can see seams on the first side I tried but it's good enough. On subsequent sides I used one long strip of tape. Any sticky residue will come off easily with 'GOO Gone'.
Aesthetically I wanted a white mirror to better match my decor but I didn't want to buy a new mirror.
We've had this exact West Elm floor length mirror (30" x 72") since 2013. Unfortunately it was damaged when some glass cleaning fluid dripped in between the edge of the mirror finish along the bottom right which also ruined a small 1" patch of the silvering.
The stool/side table shown here is chipping so I linked to a new white stool I ordered. It should arrive next week!
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