Hey guys I haven't been able to post as much because I hurt my wrist a.k.a. I work too much on the computer🥴so I have to sling and ice it for a few weeks 😭😭 so please help us keep the deals moving but commenting, liking and sharing our group! We appreciate it. At least it matches my shirt today. This is supposed to be a T-shirt dress?! It's a little too short for my liking at 5'6 it looks longer on my daughter who is 5'5. I wore some Nike shorts underneath it and I'll probably pair it with a pair of cut off's when I leave the house. I saw this design a few times and I kept going back to it so I finally bought it $19.99 and I LOVE IT! http://liketk.it/3jHUg liketkit @liketoknow.it link in Bi0 Shop my daily looks by following me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping app rollingstonestshirt rollingstones thecrazyshoppingcart targetstyles targetmomstyle targetstyle🎯 stylewithtarget midsizestyleblogger targetfind mytargetstyle celebrateyourcurves ilovetarget