How do you add functionality to small spaces? I had to figure out a way to add some storage to this entry way with barely any walls. And I LOVE a mirror next to a door. So, I shared my new table in the entry, plus 15 more small entry way storage ideas. . I *think* this means my entry way is DONE! Just 13 days into the new year and already crossing off space on my list. Yay! 💃🏻 . Sources via the link in my profile, then click “shop my Instagram” or here: * * * * * entryway foyer entrancedecor mydecorstyle entrywaydecor frontentry entrywayideas entrywaygoals entrydoor interiordesigninspo interiordesigning interiordesignlovers entrywayinspo mybhg bhg entrydesign homedecorlovers homedecorideas homedecorations decorinspo smpliving moreismoredecor inmydomaine myhomestyle hgtvhome countrylivingmag bhghome betterhomesandgardens myhousebeautiful liketkit LTKhome LTKunder100