Take a few minutes and clean up a corner of the house that's cluttered. I promise it'll change your whole mental state to see a pretty, clean corner every day instead of piles of stuff! (Even if you just shove the junk in a closet or drawer for now... I won't tell. 😜) Have you had a chance to declutter while you’ve been at home?? *⠀ *⠀ * Sources: http://liketk.it/2M0Ms *⠀ *⠀ officelook officegoals blushpink homedecorlovers homedecorations moodboard moodboards moodboarddesign visionboard officedecor officedecoration officedecorideas feminineoffice femininedecor chicworkchick pinkdecor pinkoffice officeinspo girlyoffice homeoffice homeofficedecor myhousebeautiful mybhg bhg inmydomaine @liketoknow.it liketkit @liketoknow.it.home LTKhome LTKspring LTKunder100