Let’s talk about this artwork wall! This is such a popular topic and THE perfect project for cold winter days. Here are a few suggestions to handle your kids artwork The Simple Life way: 🖼 Always write your child’s name AND the date on the back of anything you keep! We have been in soooo many houses where we go through piles of artwork and Mom has no recollection of who or when...and that really takes the nostalgia away from anything. You may think you will remember who’s masterpiece it is, but most likely you will not! 🖼 Collect a few of your all time favorites and display them! Put them in a collage, frame them, take a photo of your child holding them, or get creative in so many other ways. This is one of my favorite walls in our house and we all love to look at it every day! 🖼 Keep your child involved in which items are kept! Getting the kids involved really shows them 1. You care about their opinion 2. Gives them the opportunity to tell their story behind their artwork...both equally showing them the value of their thoughts and creativity! ⭐️ Pro Tip ⭐️ ALWAYS take photos of EVERYTHING that you love! Even if you are keeping it framed, if you love it, have an electronic/backed up version...you never know what life will bring. 🖼 And if you really want to get crazy, take photos of all of the artwork and make a @shutterfly coffee table book so everyone can flip through all of the wonderful stages of your little artist’s life! http://liketk.it/364UO liketkit @liketoknow.it @liketoknow.it.family @liketoknow.it.home