Getting our command center ready for a new month...and in person school work gives me alllll the 💗 feels!! Yahoo! Having this designated station for the entire family to see has been so amazing for our family! We use our command center for many things: 🗓 Kids Paperwork-We pull ALL items out of the baskets and sort them! These are all kids related artwork, school work, and books to be returned. We take photos of what we want to remember, keep 1-2 special drawings (adding their name, year/grade on the back), and recycle the rest! 🗓 Workouts-I am scheduling these EACH WEEK and put it on the calendar! It helps me keep my commitment to myself. 🗓 Meal planning-I start planning my meals for the week on Sundays and pick up groceries Mondays. Yes things have been altered a smidge this past year, but I still follow my routine as much as possible! 🗓 Age appropriate chores-when our boys want to buy something, they do chores to earn money. These “jobs”are never required, but if they want to buy something, they have to pay for it themselves...sorry, not sorry 🙃. 🗓 Activities-sports, doctors, and any other appointments we need to schedule around are always listed in our command center calendar as a reminder to everyone. 🗓 Client Appointments-The Simple Life appointments are filling my February (in person) school days and words cannot express how this makes me feel!!!!! 💃🏻😍🥳 Whether we are connecting to just say hi, getting started on a new project, or you need some motivation, this is my absolute favorite part of each week! Need help getting started or developing a game plan? Contact us and let’s chat! liketkit