My outdoor office yesterday. 💛 The birds were chirping, the wind chimes were blowing, soft breezes blowing and I could hear the waterfall bubbling next door. I’m writing a new book and this space has been a gift to me and my senses as I try to get my mind in the right place to write. . Honestly, writing is not always easy to me. But I do it because I was given a heart for the home for a purpose, and writing is the opportunity I’ve been given to connect with others. It can be hard to keep focused on doing my thing when there are so many other voices sharing that passion and filling that space. I often wonder, am I still needed here? . But in this quiet place I’m reminded that my own purpose isn’t diminished by the presence of others around me. I am still called to share my passion for the home and to do that I need to reach behind my walls, not just to retreat into my homebody ways! ✨ . Have you ever felt that way? Be encouraged, friend, you have something the world needs! 💕 . My home sources are in the link in my profile or screenshot this image with the app! liketkit