Aerie inspired sweater from Amazon is so soft & cozy, available in several colors and is the perfect length to wear with all your favorite jeans and pants this fall. ⭐️It’s currently on sale for $23 with a 20% off coupon.⭐️ I styled it with these high-rise straight leg camo pants from evereve. They are so stretchy and comfy. the perfect pants for fall that you can dress up or down and they’re under $100 i’m wearing my true size 28. If you want a tighter fit go down one size. Mesh ballet flats are from target and only $30 My suede bag is currently out of stock, but there are several other color options available . If you heart this product in my LTK, you will be notified when it comes back in stock. LTKSaleAlert LTKStyleTip LTKOver40


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ANRABESS Women Crewneck Cropped Sweater Batwing Sleeve 2024 Trendy Casual Oversized Ribbed Knit P... | Amazon (US)
Kaya Camo Wide Leg | Evereve
Women's Elsa Mary Jane Ballet Flats with Memory Foam Insole - Wild Fable™ | Target
The Essential Bucket Tote | Madewell