School is back in session! We’re four days in, and it’s been an adjustment 😝 … moving from a summer rhythm back to structured, scheduled days is healthy, but not always smooth. If there’s one thing that helps anchor me (and our family) during these transition periods, it’s organization (a healthy dose of grace for yourself and your kiddos doesn’t hurt either) 💛 … and nothing gets you off on the right foot coming and going from home than an organizational routine right there at your front door … we love our cubbies … the kids pack up their school stuff the night before and it’s ready to go in the morning, and when we get home they unpack and put it all away! No clutter, shoes, lunchboxes, or coats lying around. Everything in its place. 🙌🏻 I linked to the cubby system, plus a few extras (I swapped the hardware for some whimsical bunny knobs from @anthropologie ) LTKfamily LTKhome