Happy Saturday Ya’ll! 🎉 everyone knows that skincare is kinda my jam, so whenever I try a new product, I always like to let you all in on the secret! Toners are one of the most underrated skincare products amongst consumers and I have no idea why! Toners will truly change how your entire skincare routine performs. It’s an essential step in every routine, so if you aren’t using one, YOU NEED TO! - The best part about toners is that I personally don’t think they need to be brand specific, meaning it doesn’t have to be the same brand as your cleanser, moisturizer, etc. all of the other products I feel are designed to work together, but I think toners are universal. This @colleenrothschild Matcha Tea Treatment Toner is amazing! (SALE ALERT - it’s currently 20% off this weekend!) It’s so refreshing for your skin and just the perfect second step in your routine. It’s crucial to make sure your pH is restored and balanced morning and night, and this is the best way to do it. If you haven’t tried it, I highly encourage it! You won’t be disappointed! - Make sure you have the LIKEtoKNOW.it app downloaded so that you can Screenshot this pic to get shoppable product details! http://liketk.it/2EohP @liketoknow.it liketkit LTKbeauty LTKunder50 LTKunder100 LTKsalealert