Are you making this massive fashion mistake? This is such a game changer, and if you are not already doing it, you have to start. Every time you have bought something and brought it home, instead of just popping it in your wardrobe, do this - Match it in at least 3 looks with pieces you already have in your wardrobe and take photos! Save these in your phone in a folder called “outfit library”. Now instead of stressing to come up with looks on the spot when you are in a hurry, you will have a whole album of outfits you know you like ready to pick from. And as our imagination never is as good as the real deal when it comes to fashion, this will help you integrate your new piece into your wardrobe properly. What happens if you can’t come up with 3 outfits? Then it’s probably not a very good purchase as it clearly doesn’t go with the rest of your wardrobe. Save this post to remember to do this next time you buy something new! 🤍You can find the items I’m wearing in my link in bio, stories, “links” highlight or just comment and ask for the link 🤍 tessmontgomery caspulewardrobe oldmoneystyle quietluxury LTKStyleTip LTKWatchNow LTKOver40