Step 4 on your way to your dream wardrobe - A hack to make you use the clothes you already own more. This time we are going to be using @pinterest Pick out a few items from your wardrobe that you love, but don’t use enough. Search for looks with that specific item in it (or a very similar one). Save 3 looks you really like featuring that item in a folder in your phone. Try re-creating the looks you found. Can you do it with the items you already own? If not, you might have found a hole in your wardrobe. If you think the missing item would work well with not just this piece but other things in your wardrobe- put it on your wishlist. This is what I call “wardrobe lead shopping”. You are not going out to be inspired to buy new things, instead you are already inspired by what’s in your wardrobe. And you want to be able to wear the pieces you already own a lot more. It’s the only way not to end up with a hodgepodge of weird styles and old trends. And if you do the Pinterest hack, then you know that you will maximise how hard each item works for you. Sometimes you just have to see it in a different look to see all the new possibilities. Is this something you are going to try? 🤔 🤍You can find the items I’m wearing in my link in bio, stories, “links” highlight or just comment and ask for the link 🤍 tessmontgomery capsulewardrobe oldmoney quietluxury elegantoutfit LTKStyleTip LTKOver40 LTKWatchNow