This homeschool setup is a dream! In late summer, the SxS team helped one of our favorite families convert their playroom into a calming space for at-home learning. This space can be used for school, homework, and crafts now that there is a place for everything. The kids know exactly where to hang their backpacks, put their finished schoolwork, and where to display their proudest pieces of artwork. They were so excited to each have a place of their own. Sarah on our team thought of every little detail and styled it to perfection. My favorite is their personalized name plates at each desk! Head to our stories to see the space before and for an up-close tour of the space now. Follow us on for our faves! liketkit systemsbysusie organized annapolishomes homeschoolroom getorganized annapolisorganizers beforeandafter inspiringspaces simplify playroomgoals