Most nights, getting the kids ready for bed by myself is the hardest part of my day. Brushing teeth, washing hands, getting distracted, getting things out of the cabinets, all in this little bathroom, then PJs and stories and trying not to take 45 minutes with it. But last night, my last night with Otto before our trip, I tried to savor it and even let them help me pack and make some messes with the dressers. Lucy and I have a fun weekend with family planned in CA but I’m so sad not to get to share it with Otto. (I’m sure it will be easier but still.) I’m pretty sure I haven’t flown since February 2014, and I’ve never been away from Otto this long, so clearly I need to learn to take more vacations… wish me luck this weekend and I sure hope Otto has a good one too. 😥👏 LTKhome