On my holistic health healing journey the last few years, one of the most beneficial things I have found has been to use castor oil! I especially love castor oil packs and wearing them overnight. You can start off with wearing it just an hour at a time. You can put the castor oil on a pack or you can also massage it into your scars/wounds. I even put some in my eyes overnight to help improve my vision and get rid of floaters. It also helps improve the growth of your eyelashes and eyebrows. No, it will not grow hair all of your face lol. It has also helped people get rid of cavities by oil pulling with the castor oil. Make sure it is organic cold pressed hexane free and in an amber glass bottle. These two options are the very best castor oils you can buy and this pack is the very best and is organic. It seeps down into the organs, through the skin. *This is NOT medical advice! Just sharing what I’ve learned that has helped me.*
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