My holy grail products for staying silky, smooth, & sexy for bikini (& every) season! 👙💛 ⚡️Game Changing Shaving Hacks! ⚡️ ▫️ Clean your razor blade with BABY OIL (less harsh on blades than alcohol)! ▪️ Do NOT use the same blade more than 10 times. ▪️ Do NOT keep your razor in the shower! The humidity from the shower can cause bacteria to build in your razor. ▪️ DO NOT USE SOAP! Instead, use OIL! Tree Hut's shave oil is a GAME CHANGER. ▫️ Exfoliate before AND after to avoid any ingrown hairs! I prefer to use a sugar scrub but you can also use baby oil which will soften the hair. ▫️Shave at the END of your shower! The steam during your shower will open your pores and cleanse the top layer of your skin! Once you are done shaving, close your pores back up with COOL water! ▫️ TRIM before your shave. You want the blades to be as clean and clear as possible! ▫️ START by shaving in the direction of your hair growth (typically south), THEN go north! (fun fact: shave east to west on your knees!). Also, shorter strokes make it less likely to cut yourself. ▫️ Use LIP BALM to stop the bleeding from any cuts! I prefer a wax balm over jelly. ▫️After shaving dab some witch hazel on the area (wipes are easiest IMO) to avoid any irritation, rashes, ingrowns, etc. I prefer witch hazel w/ aloe in it so it also helps with any inflammation. ▫️Last step = MOISTURIZE. Whichever you prefer (& is best for your hair type), soothing mists, baby oil, aloe, body butters, or just your regular every-day lotion, make sure you moisturize the area when you are finished! ▫️ Remember, the softer the hair, the easier the shave so as your hair is regrowing, continue to exfoliate and apply nourishing oils/gels to better help you on your next shave day! xo, 𝓮 LTKswim LTKbeauty LTKstyletip