Happy Earth Day! Sustainability and living a life with less waste is something my family prioritizes. That’s not to say we live a lifestyle where we create no trash or have self imposed spending freezes. It means we are thoughtful about we bring into our home, how we recycle or reuse what we can, and shy away from single use or products that need to be frequently replaced (looking at you gladware) We invest in glass storage for our food prep and leftovers (we can refrigate, cook, reheat, and wash in the dishwasher without BPA chemicals or having it warp or lose a lid). We choose items made from renewable or sustainable materials like glass + bamboo to cut back on plastics when we can. It’s not always the most efficient or affordable, but if we get into the practice of making small changes that’s when our planet starts to see progress. Go Meatless on Mondays, stop using paper plates and products when dining at home, skip the bottled waters. What small habits do you take that help our community and planet in a big way? http://liketk.it/3dykT liketkit @liketoknow.it