Y’all I had soooo much fun on Saturday putting my fall front porch together!!! It took me nearly alllllll day but I’m so pleased with the final results!! And guess what I did!? Left a bunch of my summer plants out including these topiaries and ferns! I think they really add to this space, making it look so lush!! . . And special shoutouts to @returninggrace for that cute fall wreath pillow and @orianrugs for that GORGEOUS rug!!! And guess what!? In the next few weeks, I’ll be partnering with both for contests so stay tuned for how you can win!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 . . I have a crazy, insane week this week so if I’m not on as much that’s why. Have a brutal travel schedule and full full full days! Ready to wrap up September and onto one of my fav months!!! Hope your week is immensely blessed!!! Happy Fall Y’all! 🍁🧡 . . simplysoutherncottage frontporch porchswing fallfrontporch fallporch falldecor pumpkins cottagestyle farmhousestyle outdoordecor bhghome mycountryliving mycountryhome mysouthernliving thedesigntwinslovefall fallingforfall wowusweekdays http://liketk.it/2xy0t liketkit @liketoknow.it