Let’s talk asymmetrical windows! Do you have a wall like this in your home? The key to solving the “off-center” issue is all about creating BALANCE. I still centered the bed on the wall, but added height to both sides of the room with a curtain panel on the left and a 5’ picture ledge on the right with a variety of sizes of prints. Then I added tall matching lamps (which I have no problem admitting that they were $8 each at Goodwill and just got a little a spray paint glow up 😉) to our nightstands. Now, your eye is drawn to the picture ledge (or the curtain panel, or the rug, or the lamps)... or just about anything other than that window! If you have a similar window and haven’t figured out what to do with it, here’s one idea 😉 if you have solved the issue in other ways, I’d love to know! 👇 . Screenshot this pic to get shoppable product details with the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping app http://liketk.it/37vA5 @liketoknow.it @liketoknow.it.home liketkit LTKhome