Help me decide on counter stools! Here’s the story: I ordered the 3 stools (we’ll call them option A) in the first pic back in March and JUST got them. I knew we’d need a stand-in and ended up finding 2 on FB Marketplace (second pic- option B)… and I kind of love them 😆 they’re actually all from @potterybarn, but I paid significantly less for the Marketplace stools! If I decided to go with those, I’d buy one more. Or if I decide to keep the original choice, then I can resell them. Let’s do a pros and cons list: PROS: both are comfortable and black, which I wanted. I like the shape of both. I like the faux leather feature and brass nail heads of option B. I like the height of option A. CONS: are there any? The cost is about the same if I buy one more of option B. I feel like I can’t go wrong either way. Help me decide!!! And shop both (and everything else in the pics) below! How to shop this post: ▫️Download the app (@shop.ltk) ▫️Follow me on the app (@simaspaces) ▫️Screenshot this photo to get shoppable details emailed to you or shop in the app LTKhome