Here’s a pretty crazy beforeandafter from our main floor reno… as you swipe and think “wait, what am I looking at in these before pics?” Those were walls and an 8’ ceiling, friends. That was part of our kitchen and closed-in dining room! And now this is the view from the kitchen AND dining room. This reno has been a challenge mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially 🥴 but looking back on the “before” makes me pretty dang proud and happy to call this the “almost after.” Which I say because we’re still not done yet 😂 next up in here we get to finish the dining room area, and we still have ONE finishing touch on the kitchen. And then we get to move onto the entryway floor! 🤪 one day at a time… How to shop this post: ▫️Download the app (@shop.ltk) & follow me (@simaspaces) ▫️Screenshot this photo to get shoppable details emailed to you or shop in the app LTKhome