Living room progress! This week well be working on the french doors, fireplace surround, and built in shelves. The wood framing you see here will be the anchor for the rest of the mantle. What else is left in here? ✔️baseboards & window trim ✔️window treatments ✔️ceiling beams ✔️wall moulding (above FP) ✔️railings (happening soon!) ✔️dining room built ins (not a priority- will likely happen after entryway) And other than the fireplace, french doors and builtin, just a few finishing touches! We’re getting closer in here and I can’t wait to have a finished living room with a fireplace just in time for the temps to get cooler 🍁🍂 How to shop this post: ▫️Download the app (@shop.ltk) ▫️Follow me on the app (@simaspaces) ▫️Screenshot this photo to get shoppable details emailed to you or shop in the app LTKhome