Our porch renovation officially finished up over the weekend with the addition of trim around the french doors and a faceplate over the light switch 😂 why is the last 5% is always the hardest!? This space is our favorite in the house (I mean, our kitchen and living room are close seconds!) and it is cozy and inviting year round, at any time of the day. It didn’t need much to make it feel fresh- we replaced the ceiling fan with a sleek, modern one, replaced the old carpet with slate tile, tore out the dusty shades and added cozy drapes, and of course some installed new furniture. Making the room feel updated without painting the paneling was a design challenge and I was up for it! I leaned into the “modern cabin” vibe by sourcing lots of plaid patterns, a cool vintage rug, a super comfy sofa, and a variety of wood tones in the furniture. The result is a unique, relaxed, comfortable yet interesting space that draws you in and makes you want to stay for an extra cup of coffee or glass of wine! Now we just have to cheer on Benji the ficus tree to keep surviving and growing new leaves after his mealy bug illness😂 I am going to work on the blog post over the next few days so let me know if you have any questions about our porch below! How to shop this post: ▫️Download the LIKEtoKNOW.it app (@shop.ltk) & follow me (@simaspaces) ▫️Screenshot this photo to get shoppable details emailed to you or shop in the app LTKhome