How to look after an indoor olive tree 🌳
Let’s start with a disclaimer, I’m no expert and am definitely winging it, but both of my olive trees seem to be doing ok, just sharing what has worked for me.
The olive tree on the hallway spent first year outside and was not doing well at all, so I brought it in around October time. I gave it regular fertiliser (will link the one I use on my stories, it’s been brilliant) and it’s been growing a lot more new leaves (despite it being winter) and it looks bushier than a few months ago.
Despite olive trees obviously usually growing in hot and dry places and in theory not needing that much water - I find that both of mine need a lot more than I would have expected. Maybe it’s because they dry quickly in pots, don’t know. But I don’t have a very regular routine, I just check the soil and then usually give them at least 2l water at one go.
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