What’s in your drawers? I started a series in my organization highlight reel showing you how I organize my kitchen drawers. Spice storage solutions! Junk Drawer solutions! You name it I probably have it! We were blessed with a ton of drawers in this kitchen and I’m taking you on a tour of each one. There is a tie for favorite drawer between my organized junk drawer and my spice drawer. ❤️ I love to cook and have found that storing my spices in a drawer near the stove works best for me! I love the acrylic tiered and segmented spice drawer organizers best, but I’m also sharing a few other storage solutions for your spices in stories. Swipe ➡️ to see more of my kitchen drawers. You can screenshot any pic to shop my organization products and kitchen items in the LIKEtoKNOW.it app. . @liketoknow.it @liketoknow.it.home liketkit LTKhome LTKstyletip http://liketk.it/2A3Mn