5 THINGS I’VE LEARNED IN MY 40’S 1. You can fall in love again. If you’re in your second chapter of life or wanting to be, please know there is another chance at finding love. This love will look different than when you were in your 20’s, but it’s amazing when it does. 2. Getting older is interesting. Your body is going through changes, but that’s ok. Hello perimenopause!!! 3. You can reinvent yourself. This is such an important one… if you’re stuck or don’t know how to make a change- you can. It’s not easy, but very possible. 4. Life gets better if you let it. Sometimes in order to move forward you need to let go- of people, friends, and negativity. 5. Now is the time to live for YOU. My 20’s was so much about people pleasing. My 40’s is about being happy. Living in the moment and doing what makes me happy. If you like this post please let me know below and SAVE & share this reel ❤️ momshelpingmoms fortiesfashion fortyandfabulous fashionoverforty aliceandolivia bloomingdales