The Details: I’ve gotten A LOT of feedback when l’ve shared this in the past so here are some FAQs answered & replies to the comments most frequently given: Let me start with, I promise, there is no physical frame on the TV. The “frame” you see is all just in the YouTube image. If you don’t believe me, it takes you about 30 seconds to try it for yourself 🙂 1. “Do you have to leave your TV on all the time & does it increase your electric bill?” - We only leave our TV on like this when we are hosting a party or just for fun a few hours at a time. We don’t leave it on 24/7 so no, doesn’t affect our bill and that’s why I added the gold tape, so there is some kind of “frame” even when the TV is off. 2. “What do you search to find those images?” - I searched “vintage framed floral tv art” but you can replace floral with whatever theme you want, landscape, Christmas, etc. 3. “Doesn’t this burn the image into your TV?” - If you left your TV on 24/7, then maybe? BUT most of the YouTube images turn off after a few hours & many even have slight movement you can’t notice to prevent this. You can also search for “slideshow” images so they switch out therefore, no burning image risk. 4. “You should mount the TV” - I’m aware this is an unpopular opinion, but I hate mounted TVs...but if you prefer that look in your home, do it! 5. “It’s not the same, you should just get a Frame TV” - My personal fav response No, it’s not the same. Not at all. And I’m not trying to fool anyone! This is just for a fun look at a budget anyone can afford. You don’t even have to spend the $3, the YouTube images are free! Let me know if you have any questions I missed! LTKStyleTip LTKWatchNow LTKHome