I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We didn’t have a big feast this year since Phea was on-call the entire day and ended up going to work last night. The kids and I spent our day decorating the Christmas tree and I was able to get around to cleaning the house. It doesn’t really matter what I’m doing as long as I get to do it with my babies! Isn’t that what the holidays are all about anyway? Just enjoying each other’s company...comfortably at home...in our pajamas! Speaking of pajamas these pink jammies with white polka dots are my new faves! I can say I’m a PJ expert now as my closet is half stocked with PJs and being a FT SAHM I practically live in them. Surprisingly the size small actually fit my post partum belly really comfortably because of the elastic waistband. It’s a good buy. I’ve also linked cheaper alternatives to the one I have on by clicking the link in my bio. Don’t forget you can instantly shop my looks by following me on the @liketoknow.it shopping app. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend! http://liketk.it/32uWH liketkit LTKhome StayHomeWithLTK LTKfamily @liketoknow.it.family @liketoknow.it.home http://liketk.it/32uWH