PEGGY’S PICKS OF THE WEEK // Summer is *finally* in full gear and we couldn't be more ready to spend quality time with friends and family! For this week's Peggy's Picks, you'll find all of our entertaining favorites, from drinkware, serving ware, dessert plates, candles, and more! Style these finds together for an inviting and beautiful tablescape. Many of these exact items are a staple for Peggy’s gatherings, small and large. Check out the blog to see how Peggy styles them in her home. Use code PEGGYH15 for any Scout & Nimble full price items! Design // @peggyhaddadinteriors Photography // @karadeyoung peggysaysmix projectcalicontemporary . . . . bohodecor bohome californiacasual entertainingathome summerentertaining peggyhaddadinteriors howihaven mycovetedhome inmydomaine howyouhome howwedwell mydomaine houseenvy inspotoyourhome ruedaily homesweethome interiorstyle interiorstylingideas interiorlovers homestyle homerenovation homeinspiration housegoals interiordesigner tablesetting tablescapesLTKhome LTKxAnthro LTKSeasonal