Some people do pets, I do handbags…. I couldn’t decide whether to keep or return so it’s been sitting in its box for over 2 months it’s not newly bought. Story Time… I got the infamous pillow tabby by @coach when it was completely sold out online and in all stores. However I was in @yorkdalestyle mall with my girlfriends and just walked in. Long story short the 3 of us came out with each of our own. Oh might I add we didn’t go to the mall for this lol 😂. With my ever growing bag collection, would you believe, this is my third black handbag in my entire collection. I’m keeping it and wearing it for the first time today. Check how I style it in my story. Glad to let you know it’s now fully available online. Both in the mini version and the bigger size. With tons of colours especially a new cherry red one. Do you own this bag?? I’ll love to hear your thoughts/reviews. Check out my @shop.ltk account, all colours linked! handbagaddict handbaglover unboxing pillowtabby itbag coachpillowtabby contemporaryluxury highlowluxurystyle LTKGiftGuide LTKstyletip LTKitbag