One of my all time favourite accessories I can’t do without after handbags, is most definitely sunglasses 😎. Not only are they stylish, fun and most importantly protect the eyes. Especially for sensitive eyes like mine, is not in any way fun. Im like a bat Lol as my eyes cannot function in the sun especially those very sunny days ouch😖. It leads to blurry and sometimes headaches. That’s story in it’s own but for another day. True story, back home in Nigeria I used to fall into gutters often also not a fun experience. If you know you most definitely know LOL. That’s why now I don’t play my sunglasses. So I decided to share some of my collection with you. I say so because I may or may not be expecting few pairs in the mail. 😎 Meanwhile Let’s chat in the comments, are you into sunglasses like I am. Also which pair is your favourite. Oh heyyyyyy it’s Friyay. : : : LTKunder50 LTKstyletip LTKunder100