Swimsuits should make you feel good, make you feel confident. This is part one of the swimsuits that do exactly that for me! And two of three are on MAJOR sale! 1️⃣ MaxSwim - This pattern is no longer available, but you can get it in black, snakeskin, or tiger shimmer for SUPER marked down - the tiger shimmer set will only cost $33 instead of $166!! 2️⃣ MaxSwim - This is another set that comes in sizes C-G and fits amazing. The navy shimmer & orchid shimmer are both on insane sale! If you go with the orchid shimmer, you’ll get it for $15 instead of $166 🤯!! 3️⃣ Summerful - No sale for this set, but it’s one of my favorites because the fit is true perfection! This bikini comes in a handful of colors like hot pink and bright green. Love the higher waist and bra support cups! Just fyi, the cups aren’t lined so I throw some of my sports bra pads in there since I’m always finding them in the dryer anyways 🤷🏻♀️😆. Hope this helps you on your swimsuit hunt this year, especially when it comes to saving a little money! Part 2 coming soon! Link to all suits & more favorites through the link in my bio or on the @shop.LTK app!