the idea of a toy rotation system is to have a limited number of toys accessible at any given time, rotating them out regularly to keep their interest piqued and environment clutter-free here’s how to implement a toy rotation 👇🏼 🧸 access your toys: start by going through everything you have and decide which to keep out/store away for rotation 🪀 create a rotation schedule: some parents do it weekly, I do it monthly or when I notice my kids are getting bored easily + our playroom is becoming a mess quickly 🪵 set up your montessori play shelf: having a dedicated play shelf is key, it promotes independence, orderliness and active engagement in play @lovevery’s play kits have been a staple in my Montessori-parenting journey! they introduce toys at the start of each developmental stage, making them perfect for toy rotations! 🫶🏼 as my kids interests & skills evolve, they find new ways to play with their old play things from each play kit 🔁 since some skills take time to develop, these toys feel new again and stay engaging, making rotation easy and beneficial for years! loveverygift toyrotation montessoriparenting loveveryplaykits montessoritoddler playshelf intentionalplay toyorganization playroom LTKVideo LTKKids LTKHome