setting up my new shower 🚿 starting with the basics—I got all new shower linens from target for our new home; I usually go with neutrals but this time I went with a black tribal print shower curtain and paired it with a beige half moon rug. 🛀 and for obvious reasons, I switched out the showerhead with my fav—Jolie’s filtered shower head 🧖🏼♀️ 🚿 if you don’t already shower with filtered water, let me put you on!! jolie’s filtered showerhead improves your skin, hair and wellbeing by removing chlorine, heavy metals and other contaminants from your shower water 🧖🏼♀️🚿 here’s why NOT to shower with unfiltered water ⬇️ 👎🏼 strips hair & skins natural oils, leaving them dry, damaged and irritated 👎🏼 depletes your hairs natural strength by breaking down the amino acids in it 👎🏼 can irritate your skin, potentially leading to eczema, itchiness, hives & rashes 👎🏼 dissolves hair lipids, leaving hair looking less shiny, weaker and causing split ends 👎🏼 changes the color of your hair from reacting with the natural melanin in our hair 👎🏼 speeds up the loss of collagen as heavy metals cause free radicals to form filteredshower jolie bathroomrefresh neutralbathroom bathroommakeover showeressentials skincareessentials haircareessentials targetfinds amazonfinds LTKHome LTKVideo LTKSaleAlert