What is your fondest December memory? Was it going skating or having warm hot chocolate after playing outside? There’s so much more to Christmas than presents and spending money to the point where you’re going to have a breakdown. Tis’ the season to be present! Continue family traditions and make new ones. Embrace the cold and let this magical time of year truly make you happy! The kids won’t remember the gifts under the tree, they’ll remember how they felt during all the magic🎄♥️✨ . http://liketk.it/2HPYv liketkit @liketoknow.it @liketoknow.it.home LTKholidaystyle LTKhome homedecoration interiordesign interiordecorating farmhouse homeinspo christmasdecor fireplace merryandbright modernfarmhouse myhousebeautiful merrychristmas christmasdecorating