Do you have a bunch of these stuffed under your kitchen sink? 👀🚰 Ahhh finally a solution that gives a place and purpose to these bags we hold onto. Which is an issue for most people and we know that because as professional organizers, we have tons of clients that have these taking up prime real estate in their pantries, under sinks and kitchen drawers. 🙈 Pop this little guy under your sink and simply push them down into the dispenser. Only takes a second! The spring mechanism keeps them pushed to the top making it easy to grab one when you need to! Specifically great for those with pets for throwing away wee pads or teachers that send home wet clothing, etc! neatlyembellished professionalorganizer homeorganizer homeorganizing organization organizingideas organizingtips organizinghacks organizedhome organizedmom organizedlife amazon amazonmusthaves amazonfavorites amazonfinds amazonfaves amazoninfluencer amazoninfluencerprogram amazonhome undersinkorganization undersink kitchenorganization kitchenhacks