A M A Z O N H O M E m u s t h a v e 🧺👗👖 Ok truth be told the only one in our home that uses the iron is my husband so I put off purchasing a large ironing board all of these years because I didn’t want to have to find a place to store it. Lol But when I saw this I knew it was exactly what we needed! Folds out into the perfect size to store under the bed, in your closet or in your cabinets. So now when he needs to iron the occassional collared shirt for date night it’s easy for him to get out and put away. Works great! neatlyembellished professionalorganizer homeorganizer homeorganizing organization organizingideas organizingtips organizinghacks organizedhome organizedmom organizedlife amazon amazonmusthaves amazonfavorites amazonfinds amazonfaves amazoninfluencer amazoninfluencerprogram amazonhome laundry laundryroom laundryhacks laundryday iron ironingtips ironing ironingboard