Looking at a vanity or bathroom countertop with no space to function? Don’t worry it happens to the best of us (especially after the holidays)! All you need is the perfect product to get it all back under control. We LOVE this 3 tiered organizer! We also use these under our sink too! Utilizes vertical space but still looks great and gives you access to everything. Paired with our favorite set of turntables to create the perfect solution set! Follow us for more organizing ideas! neatlyembellished professionalorganizer homeorganizer homeorganizing organization organizingideas organizingtips organizinghacks organizedhome organizedmom organizedlife amazon amazonmusthaves amazonfavorites amazonfinds amazonfaves amazoninfluencer amazoninfluencerprogram amazonhome skincare vanitymirror vanityorganization vanitygoals vanitytable bathroomorganization beautyorganizer beautyaddict sephoracollection sephora makeuporganizer