I have been a huge @britneyspears fan for as long as I can remember. When Baby One More Time came out, it was instant "I love this girl!" I used to know the choreography to every single song because I would watch the music videos (this is when MTV actually had music on its channel) over and over until I got it right. This year I decided to make a DIY Britney costume from her Slave For You performance. You know which one. EVERYONE was talking about it. This is my version of it. I linked all of the items you'll need to create this costume in this post. http://liketk.it/2tcsR @liketoknow.it liketkit LTKStyleTip Screenshot or 'like' this pic to shop the product details from the new LIKEtoKNOW.it app, available now from the App Store! Shop this pic via screenshot with the new LIKEtoKNOW.it app Shop your screenshots with LIKEtoKNOW.it . . . . . . britneyspears britneyspearsfan slaveforyou diybritneyspearscostume diyslaveforyoucostume halloweencostume halloweencostumeidea diyhalloweencostume wiw ootd ootn halloween fashionblogger blogger styleblogger stylediaries jerseygirl texanheart jerseygirltexanheart polishgirl