I'm reviewing these awesome @berkshirelegs tights on the blog today. I've been lucky enough to work with them a few times thanks to @liptonpublicity and I must say these tights are the 💣 dot com! They have a microfiber shaper to help with those problem areas or I'd you go out to eat and have a food baby 🙊 http://liketk.it/2tjrv @liketoknow.it liketkit LTKStyleTip LTKUnder50 LTKUnder100 Screenshot or 'like' this pic to shop the product details from the new LIKEtoKNOW.it app, available now from the App Store! Shop this pic via screenshot with the new LIKEtoKNOW.it app Shop your screenshots with LIKEtoKNOW.it . . . . . . . berkshirelegs itfitsitflatters alookforeveryleg fashion fashionblogger buffaloplaid cavenders makemechic zaful ootd ootn styleblogger stylediaries jerseygirl texanheart jerseygirltexanheart polishgirl