Today starts off my Halloween series! I decided to go with Letty from Fast and Furious today. I have my own little twist on her infamous look which is on the blog today. Also I want to say happy birthday to the most handsomest fiance out there. Happy birthday babe ❤️ . . . . . . . letty fastandfurious ootd ootn halloween halloweencostume diyhalloweencostume girlswhodrivestick carenthusiast blogger fashionblogger styleblogger stylediaries jerseygirl texanheart jerseygirltexanheart polishgirl LTKStyleTip LTKUnder50 LTKUnder100 Screenshot or 'like' this pic to shop the product details from the new app, available now from the App Store! Shop this pic via screenshot with the new app Shop your screenshots with liketkit