I've been extremely absent on social media these past few days. I've had to take care of myself and my health. I'm thinking of talking about it on the blog but I'm still unsure. Until I decide I'll attempt to go about my blogging and content just like normal but it has definitely been a little difficult. http://liketk.it/2tEh5 @liketoknow.it liketkit LTKStyleTip LTKUnder50 LTKUnder100 LTKSaleAlert Screenshot or 'like' this pic to shop the product details from the new LIKEtoKNOW.it app, available now from the App Store! Shop this pic via screenshot with the new LIKEtoKNOW.it app Shop your screenshots with LIKEtoKNOW.it . . . . . . . . ootd ootn oldnavy sayhi tall newhair newhairwhothis fashionblogger styleblogger stylediaries njblogger tristateblogger holidaylook flaredpants wideleg jerseygirl texanheart jerseygirltexanheart polishgirl