A few months ago I did a review on a product from @ernolaszlo and I ended up breaking out really bad and there was something in it I was allergic to. Well I tried out this sample and I must say that it was definitely just the product previously because this little kit is amazing! It left my skin feeling great and it cleared up any little blemishes I had. Not a fan of the smell of the soap, however it works wonders! (No this is not an ad or sponsored post) http://liketk.it/2ut05 @liketoknow.it liketkit LTKunder50 LTKbeauty Screenshot or 'like' this pic to shop the product details from the LIKEtoKNOW.it app, available now from the App Store! Shop your screenshot of this pic with the LIKEtoKNOW.it app Download the LIKEtoKNOW.it app to shop this pic via screenshot . . . . . . potd skincare ernolaszlo beautyblogger fashiomblogger flatlay fwis fromwhereistand jerseygirl texanheart jerseygirltexanheart polishgirl njblogger eastcoastblogger