My physical therapist was on me about how I sit at my desk or a kitchen table. I had my laptop raised but I didn’t know that I need to keep my arms at a 90° angle so she had at me get a keyboard and mouse to go with it. she also had me get an adjustable rolling table so I can move my set up from room to room. I have a MacBook Air so I don’t have a USB plug so I had to buy a converter as well. This is the microphone Chalene Johnson had me get for our podcast. If you are a podcaster you may want to check it out. I’ll link it all here. Amazon, Amazon Home, Amazon Finds, Amazon Home Finds, Home Essentials, Home Favorites, Home Must Haves, Home Find Essentials, Podcast, Podcaster, Microphone, Laptop Stand, Keyboard, Mouse, Table LTKhome LTKunder50 LTKfamily