As we prep to head to the Bahamas this week, I did a quick self-tan session (I didn't realize just how pasty I had gotten!). I had Kurtis help me out this time so it only took a few minutes. I figured it was worth sharing my favorites! I hate self-tan smell and these two products are the least stinky I've found (the face one is by far the best). I use this self-tanner on my body, working in sections and rubbing it in with this mitt (helps so much to elimnate streakiness). The face spray is one I use on my face, neck and chest more frequently, especially in the winter! I usually wash my face, apply moisturizer, and then just spritz it on. If I sleep in it, I try to wear a black v-neck t-shirt. When I'm done with either, I take a few minutes to use my blow dryer on cool setting and blast the wet areas. Defintitely a confidence booster when you plan to wear a bathing suit in the dead of winter! I try to wait at least 12 hours before rinsing these off, but have gone much less when needed. ltkbeauty ltkswim ltktravel ltkfindsunder50 ltkfindsunder100 ltkstyletip ltkseasonal ltkover40 ltkmidsize LTKFindsUnder50 LTKBeauty LTKSwim