Recently I explained to someone what “decanting” means in the world of organizing, and it got me thinking about all its benefits. For those who may not know, decanting is the act of removing items from their original packaging and storing them in some other container, often a clear plastic canister or glass jar of some sort. Of course, it makes things look so much tidier, but there’s more to it. Decanting items in your pantry allows you to see exactly what you have and know when something is running low. It keeps things fresh and prevents pests from being attracted to your food. And it eliminates the need to throw out expired food that got lost in the back and allows you to buy in bulk and refill as needed, both saving you money! You may say: “that’s expensive” or “I don’t have time to keep that up”. Yes, it can be an investment, but you don’t have to do it all at once. You can do it little by little, and you can choose containers as expensive or inexpensive as you wish. Then all it takes is getting in the habit of spending a couple extra minutes after each grocery trip to put things away and refill any canisters. ✨ . . . decanting pantryorganization foodstorage organizedpantry organizedhome homeorganization pantrygoals pantrymakeover LTKHome LTKFamily